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Data Strategy Framework & Audit

Get a roadmap to become the data-driven company you want to be

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Want to learn how to build a data strategy framework?

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What is a Data Strategy Audit?

A Data Strategy audit is where we come in and talk about your current state vs your end goal of "data-driven-ness" in your company. We then build you a roadmap to show you how to get there!

The goal of the audit is to see what might need improvement and how it can be improved.

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Why are Data Strategy Audits beneficial?

A Data Strategy Audit will help you go from data-frustrated to data-confident.

In your company, you're probably using data to some extent, but you know there is another level you need to reach.

We build the roadmap to help you get there and show you exactly how we would do it!

If you've got multiple systems that don't talk to each other, or data that's not being visualized (and therefore not fully used), we are here to help!

Looking for more information on what that all means?

  1. Tool and Dashboard Creation: We provide recommendations and resources to build what you need to see your data!

  2. Data Management: Raw data can be overwhelming. As part of the audit, we evaluate how data is being used and managed throughout your company.

  3. Cost Efficiency: Get all of the answers you need to your roadmap from a single engagement.

  4. Consistent Support: We're here for you as you embark on the implementation journey! We'll even do the implementing for you if you want!

What areas can a Data Strategy Audit help in?

The Data Strategy Audit can help almost any part of the business. We've even audited some HR and people data!

Some common goals are below, but the process is always the same - produce a roadmap for you so you know where you're going with your data and how to get there!

Financial Analysis

We'll look into QuickBooks (or other accounting software), evaluate how the data is flowing in and out of it, then design a way to consume it in the best way possible! 

For some specifics, check out our Financial Dashboards.

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Marketing Analysis

There's a whole lot of disparate data in Marketing, typically, let's figure out how we can get i all together in one spot!

More examples on our Marketing Dashboards page.

Operations Analysis

This covers "all other" data for the most part. Integrating it with the rest of the company and making sure everything flows properly between each system is crucial! We're here to help.


More details on our Operations Dashboards page.

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Data Strategy Audit Plans

In all plans, we hand you a roadmap to your future data-driven company!

Quick Audit

Great for evaluating one or two data problems that need solving.

We produce a quick roadmap that shows how to solve the problem or two that you need!

full audit

We dive deep into all facets of the business that currently use, or need to use data!

We produe a roadmap for how to get what you need out of your data and make sure it's as automated as possible.

audit + implementation

Everything in the Full Audit plus we do the implementation for you!

Want to talk to a Fractional Analyst about your business?

Book an appointment with Jack or

reach out to us and we'll get back to you asap!

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